Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: The Most Frustrating Things Left Out of the Harry Potter Films

For my first TTT, I figured I would play to expectations and do a Harry Potter post. Plus, now that all the films have been released on home media platforms, I've been noticing all the things the films have gotten wrong more and more. So here it is: the ten most grievous sins of the Harry Potter series (according to just me)...

Monday, November 28, 2011

I'll Just Mosey on In, Like I've Been Here the Whole Time

Good morrow, fair citizens of the interwebs! Where have you all been? I feel like we haven't spoken in, like, forever. I'm committing to changing that.

Thanks to friends' encouragement and my dad's decision to pester me into doing it, I figured I would just buckle down and write some words. SIGH.