Monday, November 28, 2011

I'll Just Mosey on In, Like I've Been Here the Whole Time

Good morrow, fair citizens of the interwebs! Where have you all been? I feel like we haven't spoken in, like, forever. I'm committing to changing that.

Thanks to friends' encouragement and my dad's decision to pester me into doing it, I figured I would just buckle down and write some words. SIGH.

In my defense, it's not that I've forgotten about this little slice of heaven, it's that I never wanted to be the kind of person who writes without purpose. I want, nay, *need* inspiration in order to post here. And, sadly, from the beginning of May to now, I've been without just that.

Now, that doesn't mean there haven't been plenty of things happening in my life in the past seven months that I couldn't wring drama and charm out of if I tried. I mean, c'mon:
  • In June, we had a fantastic Day Camp.
  • I turned 24 (officially in my mid-twenties!).
  • In July, I was able to be a part of the wedding of two of my best friends.
  • I SAW HP7-P2 and CRIIIEED for the end of my youth.
  • I ran my car off the road and totaled it.
  • I took two high school students to South Carolina on a mission trip,
  • But not before our van completely broke down in Nowhere, Louisiana.
  • I've found myself caught between my different social spheres.
  • I'm currently dealing with some heavy spiritual questions as well. (expect a hashing-out post about this soon)
There's more, but you get the idea. My life is full of that awkward non-drama that shows like Parenthood thrive on. But, like I said, I didn't want to write about these things just to write about them.

As I'm sitting here, I'm realizing how agonizingly pretentious I sound, and if you know me, you know how I do not enjoy pretentiousness. (Arcade Fire? Ugh.) It's funny, then, how pompous a self-proclaimed "down-to-earth" individual can be.
Just yesterday in fact, I scolded some friends for finding joy in Paul Blart: Mall Cop. But seriously, if the name rhymes with 'fart,' are we really getting grade-A comedy? I mean really.

However, I'm stalling. Back to the main event!

I'm writing today because I've decided to give up searching for a reason. I'm hoping that, with writing more often, purpose (so pretentious!) will just come out.

You'll be happy to hear that I'll be posting more often, and often about more banal things than usual. (Top Ten Tuesday, you are now mine!) As per the request of my dad, I will still try to maintain the intellectually stimulating prose you have all come to expect from me.

In the meantime, how 'bout you visit Pixelated Vision, huh? My friend Corbin puts so much work into these reviews. The least we can do is read 'em!


1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! More writing!!

    Is it strange that I always feel so much younger than you? But I'm really not. I just turned 23 yesterday. You've just always seemed wiser, more mature...I don't know why. haha. :)

    and oh stars, PLEASE write about your spiritual struggles. Even though I know I'm not alone in that sort of thing, it's nice to actually hear about it from other people.

    and YES! Top Ten Tuesdays!!!!

    and you know I'm always up for checking out other people's blogs. On it.
