Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Movies No One Saw That Everyone Should See

As an out-and-proud movie snob, I've come upon many a diamond-in-the-rough film that seemingly no one else has ever seen. Most of the movies usually were never advertised very heavily by the studios, and thus never given a chance. Others weren't received warmly by critics or perhaps opened during a particularly competitive box-office weekend.

In any case, I've found myself wanting to defend these movies to friends on multiple occasions. The following 10 films are the ones most deserving of a second chance at love.

Monday, December 5, 2011

"Mawaige is What Bwings Us Togewaw Today"

Damn. I really wish blogging was as easy as so many of my friends make it. I have moments every day of almost-inspiration…you know, those thoughts that make you say, "PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THIS THING I JUST REALIZED FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER," but that never make it farther than a snarky status update in 140-characters-or-less.
Like I said last week, there is something major (at least for me) going on in my heart right now that I just don’t quite know how to put into words just yet. So…just stay tuned for that. In the meantime however, can I interest you in some shallow self-doubt?